Starseeds and Neurodiversity


Why every starseed I know has been diagnosed with ADHD or Autism

All statements expressed in this article are the opinions of me and my guides. I’m not a doctor, I’m not a medical professional, and I’m not a psychologist. The views written below are that of my own experience and what I channel. Take what resonates and leave the rest!

I recently found out I’m austistic. Surprise!

When I was a kid, nothing in the world to me made much sense. I didn’t understand why you weren’t allowed to just ‘be’ in the world — that there were all these unwritten rules you had to follows, ways you had to ask for things, and things that were ‘polite’ and ‘impolite.’

As I got older, and learned about starseeds, I thought that now everything would definitely make sense. I understood why I struggled to “play human” so much, and it seemed like everyone and everything out in the world was much tougher, louder, and faster-moving than me.

Photo by Katie Gerrard on Unsplash

But that didn’t solve all of my questions. I would meet other starseeds who understood that, sure — the world seemed like a loud and confusing place, and no starseeds really understood war; while half of us have no idea why or how they ended up here. (read this article if you’re still confused).

So many starseeds, while conservative with their energy, were still able to go out into the world and participate without getting totally zonked and burnt out constantly. They still got exhausted, and definitely had the ADHD creativity streak, but they seemed to have a different level of resilience to be able to participate in daily life.

I, meanwhile, was drowning. It just didn’t make sense.

Now, in 2024, I’m currently in the process of being assessed for Autism.

I first learned the term “neurodivergent” in 2021 and was officially “diagnosed” with ADHD in 2023. I put air quotes around “diagnosed” because the ‘modern’ world we live in has decided that the way we function is “divergent” from the norm, and, therefore, we don’t fit easily into the rigidly structured world that expects us to live within those confines. We’re not “divergent” from what is ‘normal’ — we’re ‘divergent’ from the narrative that has decided to centre itself as ‘the norm.’

I know I’m different. Even for a healer, and for many other starseeds, I know I’m different. I feel the world is too much to handle sometimes — even the sounds of birds or people living their regular lives nearby is too much. Like many other starseeds, I can feel how others are feeling (sometimes multiple people at a time are feeling); and I can pick up on a sensation from someone else hundreds of meters away.

I know my “sensors” are turned wayy up. More than the usual HSP. I have deep trouble focusing in a room with more than one conversation / sound going on, because I’m listening to everything at once. I have very specific experiences around taste, texture, light, sound and touch.

Basically, I feel like an alien. (Hello, other starseeds)!

The more I talk to other awakened starseeds (Starseeds who know they’re starseeds), the more of a link I’m finding between existing as a starseed and identifying as neurodivergent. Now I’m not saying this applies to all, but I am noticing enough of a correlation that this union of a fact seems to be hitting home.

So, why?

Why is it, that in a place where we already feel alienated (pun intended), we now have to shoulder the burden of being “outside” the normative system of collective acceptance and functionality? Why is it that the way we’re wired, feel, hear, sense and smell, falls under the category of a “disability” according to the DSM-5?

Seems kinda silly, doesn’t it?

Perception is Everything

Being flagged as neurodivergent places us officially outside the ‘norm’ of Normie community. Way outside!

But hold on a second — didn’t we feel that way already?

To be a starseed means to have a different perspective and perception of the world. We already feel alienated and strange on a planet we don’t usually incarnate on. We now know we’re here on a mission to help out. We’re here to help raise the collective frequency of the planet, not to fearfully keep our heads in the sand and keep on keepin’ on with the status quo. We are outsiders because we are trailblazers. The word “starseed” is slowly making its way into the collective vocabulary, but you’ll still greet a sea of blank and confused faces if you identify as one out in open air. If that means we also need an ‘official’ title in the 3D to help us find each other, than maybe being flagged as “neurodivergent” will help some starseeds connect to their kin and roots.

Besides, what makes a better community than one of misfits?

Photo by m s on Unsplash

Find Your People

When I was told it was very likely that I had been living for 31 years with undiagnosed autism, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. Sure, there are lots of complications that come with that awareness (social, sensory, emotional, physical, work-related, etc..), but the biggest response I felt from this insight was that of relief.

For as long as I can remember, I have struggled to feel like I fit in socially. Sure, I’m great at pretending. My hesitation in how to respond occasionally comes off as a cool sense of aloofness, and because I’m so perceptive and adaptive, I learned very early on exactly what not to do that might make other kids reject me. Besides, I want to be perfect all the time, so sitting still and doing all of my work diligently in school felt like I was succeeding at being human. (This didn’t exactly work with other kids in grade school, as I earned the nickname “little miss perfect” and got bullied until I eventually transferred). Throught my mishaps and social stumbles, I did, however, become an expert at pretending to fit in. I was good at sports, unusually intelligent, and an expert chameleon.

Understood jokes? Not at all.
Could kick a soccer ball, get good grades and wear the right clothes at the expense of my comfort?
Social safety secured.

Now that I’m older, am learning boundaries (meditation for that here), and know that I’m neurodivergent, I feel free to be able to go out and find my people. I’m no longer trying to shove myself into the neurotypical box that I did an excellent job at feigning fitting into. To be a starseed, or to be neurodivergent, means to bravely go out into the world in search of the people that truly know us.

Go in search of the people that see you for you — truly — and you may just stumble across your tribe.

I’ve mentioned that the #1 message for 2024 was to “drop the lone wolf mentality.” Of course that feels terrifying when you’re searching inside the normative box!

To be neurodivergent and to be a starseed means to perceive the world in a different way. As a starseed, that altered perception is a requirement for you to help move the collective current in the right direction. Without being able to see the invisible parts of the world at large, we’d never be able to make the connections to envision a better future.

Maybe you’ve been feeling isolated for years. Maybe, worst case scenario — you‘ve truly digested the belief that there really is no one out there who will understand you. Maybe you think there’s no hope.

Or maybe… you’ve just been looking in the wrong places. If you feel like you’ve been stuck without people who see you for you (as a starseed or as neurodivergent), try a queer-sanctioned “safe space” event, a neurodivergent meet-up or seek out an online community with a shared interest. Most often, other folks who have been pushing against the dominant narrative (queer spaces or neurodivergent-specific spaces) are pretty ready to welcome in all the freaks’n’geeks — no matter what form you take.

Your people are out there. I believe in you. Go find them.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Skills in Disguise

We know that as starseeds, we are highly sensitive beings and are deeply attuned to the world around us. This is no different when you’re labelled as neurodivergent. To be ND (or a starseed) means you’re mostly likely attuned to details and specifics that most people are missing: sound, light, numbers, patterns, emotions, and ways of being. Folks who are able to identify themselves as Starseeds are generally more ‘awake’ to the spiritual sides of things; whereas someone who is “just” ND may not have that side activated just yet.

At the end of the day, Starseeds and NDs notice things that the average person doesn’t. Sure — there are also old-souls who are attuned to the rhythms of gaia who are not starseeds, and not neurodivergent. But do you know what else they are? Grounded. As starseeds and ND folk, the one thing that throws us mostly for a loop is overwhelm. We’re channeling energy from top down. This means we get out of our bodies easily, and the energy of whatever threw us whisks us away to whatever reaction we’re most prone to (for me, it’s either dissolving into tears, or rage. Yay)! This sense of overwhelm is pervasive in starseeds — and also folks who are neurodivergent.

Now, if you can take off your 3D human suit and slip back into the energy of your galactic origins, think of this: Whatever planet your soul originates from, and whatever sensory ‘differences’ you experience in the physical that pose as a challenge would have been previously considered a skill on your home planet.

Rigid thinking that comes with ASD? These souls most likely would have been planners, architects, and navigators in their galactic homelands.

Hypersensitive to sound and light? These souls could have been on the frontlines of galactic warfare or guards — able to perceive the slightest detection in movement or shadow.

We may not fit in now — with the sounds of the metropolis grating on our sensitive nerves — but in a different world, we were valued for this. Remember that.

It’s so easy for us to take the role of the victim when we are categorized with disabilities that make fitting into the regular world harder. And don’t get me wrong — I suffer from them too. It’s not an easy game out there. But we wouldn’t be down here if we weren’t capable of navigating with precision and deft. If you considered all of your sensory differences lost-galactic-skills, how would you treat yourself differently when going out into the world? How would you adapt to support yourself more deeply? (i.e, tinted sunglasses, loops, sensory-friendly clothing)?

Start viewing your ‘neurodivergent differences’ as ‘galactic skills and strengths’. See if that changes how you approach meeting your needs.

Your Specific Differences Could be a Clue to Your Originating Planet(s)

All neurodivergent folks and starseeds have different skill sets and sensitivities. Think about what your specific differences are — they may lead you to a clue about your originating planet as a starseed.

Do you struggle with empathy and a connection to humanity in general? You may have a soul that originates from Mars, or is Reptilian in nature.

Love animals, birds and light colours, but prefer to stay away from the depths of the dark? You may have Lyran or Avian ancestry.

Those who are most sensitive to the emotions of others, tend to be back-bending people pleasers and are hyper-focused on relationships (like me) are likely of pleidian origin. (Pleidians are all about relationships and human connection!)

There are so many options when it comes to starseed lineages. It is possible to be from more than one place. Whether you’re of one race, or of mixed origin depends on how many lifetimes you’ve experienced and whether or not your soul has moved around during its incarnations. Start by taking a stab at identifying your unique differences and desires — what attracts you and deters you most. What sets you apart, even within the neurodivergent or starseed community? Use that information when diving into your next starseed rabbit hole to help it piece together your origins.

Photo by Ai Takeda on Unsplash

Neurodivergents and Starseeds Work in Subtle Energies

This is the single thing we mostly hear being starseeds — neurodivergent or not:

“Why must I be so sensitive?”

I talk a lot about sensitivity in my writing, and for the most part, I try to accentuate the reasons why this sensitivity is a gift.

Here’s another fact about our sensitivity that may help you understand your so-called “delicate” nature when compared to the rest of the rushing, racing world:

As starseeds, we are constantly at work in subtle energies. As folks who are neurodivergent, we feel in subtle energies. If, as starseeds, we did our planetary work in a more obvious or concrete way, the planet would probably freak out. We’re here to help shift energies, collapse timelines, and gently guide the general direction of ascension in the collective. If we were at a music festival, and someone could watch our frequency ripple out in visible colours or sound, we would be courted off to the closest federal testing facility to be poked, prodded and examined. Because the work we are doing in centred in love, it means that it doesn’t need to be visible to the naked eye.

Our sensitive nature allows us to be tuned into the subtle shifts in energy — in a room, in a person’s disposition, and in the collective at large (that’s why it’s always important to ask yourself the question: “is this feeling mine?” when you’re feeling an all-too-present emotion for no apparent reason)!

When we’re tuned in and feeling clear, noticing the subtle shifts in energies serves as a great asset to us. We may intuitively decide to take a different route on our walk one morning, only to align with a connection that provides us with a new opportunity for more heart-centered work. We may avoid that party that just ‘feels’ like a bad vibe, only to find out that there was a disastrous event nearby that would have negatively affected your energy for weeks.

Can you imagine if your energetic skills were visible to the naked eye? Imagine if everybody could see the way you emanate radiant light when you’re dancing / happy, or how you can pull negative entities out of others when needed. People would lose their minds! Genuinely!

It may seem like thankless work as a starseed, but working with the subtle energies brings us back to the message of why our existence as outsiders asks us to find our true people and community. When we’re with the right people — who see us, understand us, and appreciate our sensitivity for the gifts it brings, all of a sudden our many sensors feel less like burdens and more like deftly wielded skills.

To be Neurodivergent, additionally, means we are more connected with the invisible — we are feeling beings first, and our sensors are turned up. This allows us to connect more deeply with the unseen realms, and tune into what is happening.

Whether you are a starseed who identifies as neurodivergent, or neurodivergent who is just discovering they might be a starseed, what it all comes down to is resonating at a vibration that most people in the world cannot attune to. Because we are ‘outsiders’, both in normative language (being ‘divergent’) and in feeling, it’s essential that we use the language that’s been used to label us to help us find our people and soul-connections in this lifetime. We must think of earth as the “steam -engine” version of living — living in the 3D is the slow, ambling, smoke-gushing version of the light-speed, clean, vibrational life from which we came. This is why we are here: to bridge the gap.

Hope this helped, beautiful readers.

If you want to book a private reading with me to learn more about your starseed origins, email me at

Blessings! ❤



Kate Lightstone | Healer & Intuitive Guide
Kate Lightstone | Healer & Intuitive Guide

Written by Kate Lightstone | Healer & Intuitive Guide

Healer & Guide. I write spiritual self-help articles to help humans navigate an ascending planet. IG@kate.lightstone. Listen on Youtube.

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